Even though I think that most people who ever read this blog will be my friends, I still feel that I should tell a bit about where I am and what I am doing now. So location? Haifa, Israel. OKie... i'm not jewish or israeli. I'm from singapore, and now living in Israel.
What the heck am I doing in Israel?
Oh well, I'm a Bahá'i and I'm currently a volunteer at the Bahá'i World Centre, serving in the Audio-Visual Department. If you call me a friend and still dun know that I'm a Bahá'i. Its time to bang your head against that nice wall that you see right infront of you. Doh!
So what is the Bahá'i Faith, you may ask. I think I've never been to explicit in my explainations. Thousands of apologies. But here's this great link that u can go to http://www.bahai.org to find out more about my faith as well as 5 million people around the world in 235 countries.
To me, the Bahá'i Faith is the way to bring about "the betterment of the world".
Right now in April 2004, most people think that peace is not possible with all the Israel/Palaestine discord, bombings in other countries etc.
But all this is part of the process for the world to eventually realise that what we need is unity and peace. Of course they could have come together in the first place and decided on that. But looking at our history, I dun think thats gonna be the way.
This is why Bahá'u'll'áh (Founder of the Bahá'i Faith) brings us a new revelation from God. When I say God, I am refering to the one and only God. Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Moses, Buddha, Zoraster, Abraham, Krishna, The Báb and Bahá'u'll'áh are all Divine Teachers from God and bringing us a Message from God. We learn about God, the nature and purpose of our existence through these Manifestations. Bahá'is believe that Bahá'u'll'áh is the Manifestation for this present day and age. So unless you are reading this like a thousand years later, I would say this is the One.
Another thought that I would just bring up is the nature of man. (when I say man i mean human being or homo-sapien). Man has a spiritual nature as well as a physical nature. However the emphasis has hardly been on our spiritual nature. We should be acquiring spiritual qualitites like truthfulness, justice, faithfulness etc. Just as we are educated in sciences and languages, we need to feed our souls with the Word of God and praying and goodly deeds.
Anyways... one of the principles of the Bahá'i Faith is independent investigation of truth. So don't just take my word for it. Investigate for yourself ;)
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