snacks galore

yes! gotta have some of that mochi ice cream
Originally uploaded by swee.
We got to my parents' home this morning before 9am. Unfortunately i didn't take my camera along to take photos or the kaya toast, half-boiled eggs, kopi and teh.
But we had time to go shopping after breakfast in the shopping mall in my housing estate. Here's one of my favourites, mochi icecream. we also bought a lot of snacks like marshmellos filled with strawberry jelly, jackfruit chips, pocky pretzel sticks covered with chocolate. Also, my mom went to visit her neice who was making mooncakes, so we got some of those to eat too. YUM.

Faraz biting into yummy mochi ice cream

with my mom

snacks we bought and received on the first day!
Originally uploaded by swee.
mochi ice cream!!! YUM!!!!
have some for us! better than ben and jerry's any day.
thanks for the updates! keep them coming, love amelia
ps. nice hair cut Swee chan! You didn't waste any time it seems :)
I am happy too that you are back on blogspot! Looking forward to reading your updates. Best of luck in the outside world!! Love, N.
thanks guys. and yes, amelia chan, too hot here, had to cut my hair. i went to QB House, S$10 haircut thats supposed to be done in 10 minutes.
you look Gooood Swee C!!
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