Monday, May 24, 2004

Kiki: Georgy's love-hate relationship

My old friend, Margaret from Singapore/Indonesia has just recommended that I include more gossip on my blog to increase readership. Hahaha... speaking of which just the other day I saw Andy with a maimed ear.Yup sort of like half his right ear was gone. Apparently he got into a fight over Katheryn and the other guy bit his ear off.

I still cringe everytime I see Andy.
There's just something about maimed animals, even cats.
Speaking of cats, Margaret has this darling fat cat called Kiki aka Manja Lim Miao Miao.
I think Margaret's like the third owner of this previously abandoned kitten. Guess who takes care of Kiki when Margaret goes to Indonesia or around the world backpacking? Georgina who claims that Kiki is her sworn enemy. She also claims that she has found a most apt word to describe the way she feels towards Kiki ie "Defenestrate". It means to throw out of the window. Seeing that Margaret lives on the 14th storey, Kiki is sure to use up one of his nine lives.

But deep down we know that Georgy loves Kiki even though she disagrees (just check out her blog link). Because whenever Georgy comes to Marg's home, guess who cuddles right up to Georgy.... I think we all guess that when no one is around, Georgy is affectionately showing her love to Kiki. Its the tought exterior but really nice and sweet personality inside. Maybe I should ask her boyfriend =P
GOod thing I'm not within strangling distance of George right now...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Marg here. WHO'S POOR ANDY???!!! Is this a person or an animal? For a while I thought he was a person but in the next sentence you said you always feel bad about seeing maimed animals, so I thought he could be an animal.

Yup, yup... I also happen to think that G is a closet Kiki lover. Actually he's a very suitable pet for G. Always on a permanent nap mode.

8:16 PM  
Blogger sweec said...

yah lah.. i was refering to the cat....
marg, u asked me to spice things up, no????

10:31 AM  

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