Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Why? Why?? Why???
Do I seem to have bad luck with cameras. The Pentax ME Super which I just gotten is screwed for sure. I shot 2 rolls of film and only 2 shots turned out. It was blank for the rest or only half the frame appears.  My sinsei, Ryan says on inspection of the camera that there's a fingerprint on the shutter. Thats just great.
Now i'm gonna do a recap on the manual cameras which i have used. Started out with my uncle's Nikon FA. It was a really nice camera and I lugged it all the way to central Europe and Israel in a backpack, and discovered that the mirror was not working proper. Then came my 'cousin' Nooshin's Minolta XD7. It was ok but i had light streaks on the right side of alot of my shots. So I thought it was time to get my very own camera and I bought the Pentax ME Super. It was really nice to use but my pictures don't even turn up. Right now I'm borrow my friend, Violetta's camera. It nice but a little heavy for me especially after the pentax. so i hope nothing's wrong with it. Otherwise I'll be too broke to buy her a new one. Already i'm having fun with the light meter of Violetta's Minolta SRT101.
Sigh..... why why??? and no... a digital SLR is out of the question.. no $$$.
someone give me something that works proper.


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