Thursday, December 22, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005

After our folks left Haifa, Faraz and I went to Italy for a 4 days :) We had an awesome time taking in the sights, eating, shopping, going to art galleries and more eating. Italian food is just too yummy. Too bad we were only there for a short time - 2 days in rome and 2 days in florence. But we had a great time and I'm sure we both would love to go there again! Oh and this image on the left is a fabulous eating place! we had lasagne, beans, ravioli, spagetthi and steak, all in one sitting! We went in early before the lunch crowd and when we came out, we saw all these Italian people either waiting to get into the little restaurant.
Friday, December 02, 2005
Finally! Wedding photos are up.
Yay finally I've posted our wedding photos :)
This is just a few of the many photos that our photographer Ryan Lash took for us. We have some photos from Saba Mogbelpour's camera too.
Faraz and I had a fabulous time in Italy. It is a must go for all. Hopefully I can post some photos from there soon. We also had a good 9 day Bahá'í pilgrimage in Israel. Now we are back to work. Sorry about the late posting.
Hope you enjoy the photos.