Tuesday, November 20, 2007


I've been tagged by my sister, Amelia. She said that I had to talk about 7 random facts about myself. So here goes...

1. I've not updated my blog or looked at others for so many months that I forgot my password and login name, and I wouldn't have known about this tagging until Amelia told me about it.
2. I always drive past the house and miss the turning into our driveway.
3. I used to get sleepy after drinking coffee and if I do not sleep immediately, I'll get a headache.
4. I always miss having local singapore/malaysian food.
5. I only know the directions to my house, work, airport and shops. Sometimes I get lost driving home from the shops.
6. I used to eat ice-cream everyday.
7. I can never remember what movies or books I've watched/read. Sometimes when I'm halfway through a movie/book, I realise that I've seen or read it.

If anyone actually looks at this blog, I'm tagging Ming and Adeline.

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