Monday, October 25, 2004

Going home......

Yes u read right! i finally made up my mind on where to go for vacation.
Home sweet home. Where the shopping is good and the food even better ;)
South Africa can wait a bit.... i can go sometime next year... hopefully my brother and his wife don't move away before i visit =P

I have applied for vacation time, booked my airticket and am on waiting list right now i think... hopefully i get a seat before my enthusaism wanes and i change my mind. right now i'm just thinking of the yummy char kuey teow, assam laksa, chee cheong fun, cheese naan, kerabu, hokkien mee..... the list goes on.....and i have to stop before i drool all over my keyboard.
hey.. maybe i shd just stay in penang the whole time since my favourite food seems to be from there. i think some of my SGP friends would be too happy to hear that.

of course i'm back to see family, relatives, friends and dog too. i think leading a slacker lifestyle for a week or two would be most enjoyable. yeah!!!!
dear kawan in sgp and msia.... guess when i'm coming back??? =PPPPP

Monday, October 11, 2004

Here are a series of pictures taken at a hike in Yehudiya, near the sea of Galilee. Faraz and Arman pose at the start of the hike. It looks very dry here .but it was an interesting hike as you'll see. Posted by Hello

Taking a breather before we carry on.The trail compromised of parts where u had to swim through. Very fun... no one could stay dry. Posted by Hello

Hiking group looks on as DJ makes a flying start to the hike. Posted by Hello

Yehudiya Diving Championships - score 8, 8, 9 and 7 Posted by Hello

Swimming in a pool and trying to get closer to the waterfall. Posted by Hello

Monday, October 04, 2004

Its been....

A while since I have posted a message on the blog.
But yes, still alive in Israel and have been here for more than 10 months now.
Last 2 weeks have been really crazy at work but that project's almost done now and hopefully I could get back to my normal work schedule pretty soon.

One thing I can say is that silverfish is my enemy... exterminate them if u see any!
they thrive on cardboard boxes, the coagulated kind.... any archiving or library shouldn't have such boxes around.

Ok... can't wait to post picture of my recent hiking trip to Yehudiya!

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